

Name: IzzyCat91
Scroll: My Scroll
Timezone: E.S.T/E.D.T
About: I'm a 30 Enby. My Pronouns are She/Her/They/Them. I've been a member of Dragon cave since 2008, but have been on hiatus from 2014 until October of 2021. My first Lineage since my return is the Rainbow Connections Lineage, shown below

Requests & Gifts

Any dragon breed listed below without a link is still needed.

Breeding Records

Rainbow Connection Lineage: In Progress Lineage Map


For the first gamut of colors I have chosen the following:

Red- Pyralspite
Orange- Cassare
Yellow- Brimstone
Blue- Aqualis
Indigo- ? (May use Tsunami or Deep Sea but undecided, feel free to suggest things.)
Violet/Purple- Galvanic Wyvern

When I finish off with the purple, I will choose new breeds to correspond with the colors and start over, breeding the new red to the previous pairings purple offspring.

Gen 1
CB Pyralspite(Valcano Variant)M x CB Cassare F= Cassare M

Gen 2
Cassare M x CB Brimstone F= Brimstone M

Gen 3
Brimstone M x CB Almerald F= Almerald M

Gen 4
Almerald M x CB Aqualis F= Aqualis M

Gen 5
Aqualis M x CB Female= Male of same color as Female

Gen 6
Male x CB Galvanic Wyvern F= Galvanic M

Gen 7
Galvanic M x CB Female= Female of same color (Choose new breeds and start over)

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